Ready To Spring Into Action Daytime Emergency & Intensive Care For Your Pet

Is your pet having a DAYTIME emergency? Unsure if it’s an emergency? Do not delay! Call Lakeland Animal Care at (574) 309-9729 to connect with us. Our rapid response team has additional training and experience in emergency and critical care situations. With a facility equipped to handle life-threatening conditions and severe injuries. We spring into action at a moment’s notice. For DAYTIME pet emergencies, during our hospital weekday hours.

What To Watch For

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Choking or gagging
  • Persistent vomiting / diarrhea
  • Inability to urinate / defecate or straining
  • Severe lethargy and / or inappetence
  • Moving slowly, shaking, crying
  • Heat exhaustion or heatstroke
  • Injuries to eye(s)
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Limping or inability to walk
  • Seizures
  • Allergic reactions
  • Toxicity ingestion - antifreeze, xylitol, chocolate, human pain medications, rodenticides
  • Hit by car
  • Bite wounds

Immediate Life-Saving Care

  • Infusion therapy
  • Intraosseous catheterization
  • Venous cutdowns
  • Oxygen therapy
  • CPR
  • Life-saving medications
  • Blood transfusions
  • Emergency surgery
  • Feeding tube placement
  • Thoracocentesis - Chest tap
  • Abdominocentesis - Abdominal tap
  • Chest tube placement
  • Toxicity gastric decontamination
  • Urinary catheterization
Dog Getting Bandaged Up Static

If in doubt, call us at (574) 309-9729 or if this is an after hours or weekend emergency concern, contact one of the area animal emergency hospitals below!